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AAAA Adopted Immigration Resolution

Board members of Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys

adopted a Resolution in 2018:


". . . opposing the separation of children from their parents by (U.S.) immigration

officials. This Resolution extends to opposing permanent placement of these

children without their parent or parents’ consent or unless placement is with relatives."


Consult with an active member of AAAA in your state before proceeding with an

adoption of "separated children."

Adoption Tax Credit


From broad based public support, Congress members included the permanent Adoption

Tax Credit and the tax benefit for employer-provided adoption benefits in the "Tax Cuts and

Job Acts" enacted at the end of 2017.  These tax provisions continue to provide key financial

benefits to many adoptive families.


No significant change in terms of this adoption tax credit and employer provided adoption

benefit was made.  Like the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, "allowable expenses"

of adoption of a minor child may qualify for tax credit.  The dollar amount of the maximum

Adoption Tax Credit per child is adjusted annually.  Also, the maximum employer-provided

adoption benefit per child is adjusted annually.  For adoptions finalized in tax year 2021,

the per child adoption tax credit maximum and the employer-provided adoption benefit

maximum amount for qualified families are both set at $14,440. 


Phase-out amounts of both allowable adoption tax credit and employer provided adoption

benefit continue as in prior law. A sliding scale based on families' modified adjusted gross

income is adjusted annually by the IRS.


Since 2018, Illinois income tax has also provided an adoption tax credit against Illinois

income tax, with similar requirements and different dollar amounts.


When you plan to adopt a child or children, consult with a tax preparer who is familiar

with adoption tax benefits and limitations.

Access to Original Birth Certificates in Illinois
for Adopted or Surrendered Persons

An adopted or surrendered person born in Illinois prior to January 1, 1946,

has an unqualified right of access, upon request, to an unaltered, non-certified copy

of his or her original birth certificate.


Beginning November 15, 2011, an adopted or surrendered person born in Illinois

on or after January 1, 1946, and age 21 or over, can request a non-certified copy

of his/her original birth certificate.  However, this request is subject to the right

of a birth parent to block disclosure of his/her identifying information contained

in the original birth certificate.  If a birth parent files a nondisclosure request prior

to the person filing a request for birth certificate copy, then identifying-information

of the birth parent will be redacted from the issued copy.


In addition to the adopted or surrendered person, others can request a copy

of the person's birth certificate.  For detailed information on who may apply,

forms to use, and steps of this process, see Illinois Department of Public Health

web pages at:

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